Drug information

Docusate sodium (EARWAX)   Click to listen highlighted text! Docusate sodium (EARWAX)


Earwax removal aid.   Click to listen highlighted text! Indications Earwax removal aid.

  Contraindications and precautions

1.Do not use if you had an allergic reaction to this medication or its components.

2.Do not use if you have perforated ear drum or ear infection. The medication should be discontinued  if ear inflammation occurs.   Click to listen highlighted text! Contraindications and precautions 1.Do not use if you had an allergic reaction to this medication or its components. 2.Do not use if you have perforated ear drum or ear infection. The medication should be discontinued  if ear inflammation occurs.

  How to Use Ear Drops

1.Wash your hands with soap and water.

2.Tilt the affected ear up or lie on your side. If you’re giving the drops to yourself, it may be easiest to sit or stand upright and tilt your head to the side.

3.Pull the ear backward and upward to open the ear canal. If giving to a child younger than 3 years of age, pull the ear backward and downward.

4.Place the correct number of drops in your ear. Gently press on the small skin flap over the ear to help the drops to run into the ear canal. Don’t allow the dropper tip to touch your ear, fingers, or any other surface. 

5.Keep your ear tilted up for 3 to 5 minutes or insert a soft cotton plug in your ear, whichever method has been recommended by your doctor or pharmacist.   Click to listen highlighted text! How to Use Ear Drops 1.Wash your hands with soap and water. 2.Tilt the affected ear up or lie on your side. If you’re giving the drops to yourself, it may be easiest to sit or stand upright and tilt your head to the side. 3.Pull the ear backward and upward to open the ear canal. If giving to a child younger than 3 years of age, pull the ear backward and downward. 4.Place the correct number of drops in your ear. Gently press on the small skin flap over the ear to help the drops to run into the ear canal. Don’t allow the dropper tip to touch your ear, fingers, or any other surface.  5.Keep your ear tilted up for 3 to 5 minutes or insert a soft cotton plug in your ear, whichever method has been recommended by your doctor or pharmacist.   

Additional information

-If the Ear Drops had to be kept in the refrigerator, you should warm the drops by holding the bottle in your hand for one to two minutes before use. This can help reduce any discomfort that could be caused by cold drops in your ear.

-If you have the soften and remove ear wax Ear Drops, you should keep your ear tilted up for 15 minutes.   Click to listen highlighted text! Additional information -If the Ear Drops had to be kept in the refrigerator, you should warm the drops by holding the bottle in your hand for one to two minutes before use. This can help reduce any discomfort that could be caused by cold drops in your ear. -If you have the soften and remove ear wax Ear Drops, you should keep your ear tilted up for 15 minutes.   

  Adverse Reactions

This medication may cause temporary tinnitus.

Drug storage

Store at a temperature not exceeding 30 degrees Celsius, and protected from light.

How to Use Ear Drops


The above information is drug information used for patient self-care only.

If you have any inquiries, please ask your physicians or pharmacists.   Click to listen highlighted text! Adverse Reactions This medication may cause temporary tinnitus. Drug storage Store at a temperature not exceeding 30 degrees Celsius, and protected from light. How to Use Ear Drops   The above information is drug information used for patient self-care only. If you have any inquiries, please ask your physicians or pharmacists.


1.สุชาดา ชุติมาวรพันธ์, โพยม วงศ์ภูวรักษ์, อภิฤดี เหมะจุฑา, ฐิติมา ด้วงเงิน, กิติยศ ยศสมบัติ, บรรณาธิการ. คู่มือทักษะตามเกณฑ์ความรู้ความสามารถทางวิชาชีพของผู้ประกอบวิชาชีพเภสัชกรรม (สมรรถนะร่วม) พ.ศ. 2562. นนทบุรี: บริษัท เอช อาร์ พริ้นซ์ แอนด์ เทรนนิ่ง จำกัด ; 2562   

2.Micromedex® [Database on internet]. Colorado: Thomson Reuters (Healthcare); c2020. Available from: http://www.micromedexsolutions.com /micromedex2/librarian/.

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